Ticket: 268001 - FR: Allow Role selection when promoting an End User to Administrator

Status Submitted By Submitted On Last Updated Discussion Thread
Limbo kevinmcox 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 N/A

Ticket Summary / Intial Message:


When promoting an End User to Administrator, it would very helpful to have an option to select a Role to ‘Limit user permissions’ at the same time.

Right now it requires a two-step process:

  1. Navigate to the End Users panel, find the user, edit the user, change their type to Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Administrators panel, find the end user, edit the user, open View Advanced Options, select a role.

This doubles the time it takes when going through this process and leaves a small window where a new administrator has more permissions than they should.

It would be much more efficient to assign the Role in the same step as promoting the End User to Administrator.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, Kevin
