Ticket: 248947 - PKG detection scripting
Status | Submitted By | Submitted On | Last Updated | Discussion Thread |
Limbo | BiosPlus | 2023-11-03 | 2023-11-04 | Link |
Ticket Summary / Initial Message:
Heyo team, another feat request.
I’ve noticed that some PKG files will be installed via Mosyle, however on a subsequent scan they’ll show as having been removed by the user. I theorise this is because the PKG file doesn’t install anything to the /Applications directory on a mac. A good example of this is Swiftdialog, where the PKG file drops a binary into /usr/local/bin. On additional scans Mos will report that a user has removed it though. This PKG goes by the package identifier com.csiro.dialog.
It would be nice if in the profile for PKG packages, either an identifier can be defined or a path can be defined to check for a file confirming the success of the installation. An identifier could be used in cooperation with running pkgutil --pkgs grep 'com.csiro.dialog'
(or substituting the identifier with one defined by the user) to qualify successful install, or a path can be defined so that a successful install can be qualified by finding /usr/local/bin/dialog.
A step further would be version handling. Many binaries can throw version numbers, such as /usr/local/bin/dialog -v
giving ‘’, which could be used to handle if there is an old version that needs replacing.
Currently my only path for emulating the same effect is to write a script which throws devices into a device group based on result. Not ideal since it takes 24 hours per device group refresh.
No updates, I lost access to the tenancy where this was logged and wont have any message to follow up with ~BiosPlus