Ticket: 251886 - FR: Device Lock Code Details enhancements

Status Submitted By Submitted On Last Updated Discussion Thread
Success kevinmcox 2023-11-18 2023-11-18 N/A

Ticket Summary / Intial Message:

I’d like to lodge a feature request for enhancements to the ‘Device lock Code Details’ dialog.

  1. We really need to be able to see specifically who applied the MDM lock. Only seeing the the PIN and the date/time does not have the specificity we need when evaluating if the PIN should be provided when requested.

1B. It’d be even better if there was a comment field on the dialog (and via API) when applying a lock that could be seen when accessing the codes later.

  1. Visually there should be a divider between the sections containing the PIN and the history of who accessed them.

Please see the attached screenshot and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, Kevin


Date 2023-11-22

From: kevinmcox
  An additional improvement would be a way to audit who has accessed the PIN, without having to open the dialog that reveals the PIN itself.

As it works now you have to access the PIN to view the audit log, which also adds you to the log and exposes the PIN.

NOTE: This follow-up in in Limbo.