Ticket: 248313 - Mosyle CLI Binary
Status | Submitted By | Submitted On | Last Updated | Discussion Thread |
Limbo | BiosPlus | 2023-11-03 | 2023-11-04 | Link |
Ticket Summary / Initial Message:
Heyo team! New feature req.
I noticed that running /Applications/Self-Service.app/Contents/MacOS/Self-Service from terminal opens an instance of self-serve for the duration of a script. I have some internal tooling I would like to update via another script but rather than grabbing dependancies from the open web, I thought it would be swell to get Self Service to handle the installation on demand via CLI if the dependancy was missing.
So something like: /Applications/Self-Service.app/Contents/MacOS/Self-Service --installpkg 'com.domain.package' --silent
or /usr/local/bin/mosyle --reinstall 'com.domain.package'
would be a dream.
Unless there are some secret flags I can use with the existing self service binary, which I’d be keen to try out while acknowledging it voids any support reqs related to it haha
From: | Mosyle Support |
Hello Michael, We’d love to help! Great feedback, thank you! To clarify we already have this Feature Request registered with our Product team and if this comes to be implemented we would have sure to let you know, as for now we would recommend to utilize the Custom Commands profile to run your Scripts. We hope this information helps you. Please let us know if you need additional information or have further questions, and have a great day! |