Ticket: 267990 - FR: Do not close feature request tickets until implemented or rejected

Status Submitted By Submitted On Last Updated Discussion Thread
Limbo kevinmcox 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 N/A

Ticket Summary / Intial Message:


Having feature request tickets closed makes it harder for customers to track requests they have made or add additional supporting information later.

I’d like to suggest a new ticket status specifically for feature requests. This would allow the customer to continue the conversation going forward while waiting for implementation.

Potentially, it could also allow Mosyle support agents to filter these ticket types from their queue if needed.

Additionally, I find the standard response of, ‘If approved, we will be sure to notify our clients of this new implementation via our New Features and Product Enhancements message that is displayed when logging in to the Mosyle Web Portal.’ to be somewhat dismissive.

Most vendors I have worked with will link customer tickets to internal development tasks so that once the feature rolls out, support can provide an update in the original ticket.

There have already be a couple instances where our feature requests has been implemented with zero communication about it in any form.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, Kevin
