Managed Browser Settings

A set of browser configurations which can be managed via the Google Workspace Admin Console (or Group Policy if you’re brave enough)

A quick heads up, I refer to things as “Shortcodes” in here, though their actual name is “Preference Names”.

Table of Contents

Browser Reporting

If you’re managing a Google Workspace instance/tenancy, you’ll want this turned on as it sends logs to your audit and investigation log tool. 3 hours is the fastest frequency.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Managed browser reporting Enabled managed browser cloud reporting CloudReportingEnabled Link
Managed browser reporting upload frequency 3 hours CloudReportingUploadFrequency Link
Event Reporting Enable event reporting OnSecurityEventEnterpriseConnector Link

Chrome Enterprise Connectors

  • Hashes are generated for uploaded/downloaded files
  • Huge text pastes are analysed for potential PII exfiltration.
  • Visits to malicious URLs (w/ the red advisory block screen) are logged + graded on severity.
    • Bypasses of that advisory are logged and reported.
Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Upload content analysis [More info to come] OnFileAttachedEnterpriseConnector Link
Download content analysis [More info to come] OnFileDownloadedEnterpriseConnector Link
Bulk text content analysis [More info to come] OnBulkDataEntryEnterpriseConnector Link
Print content analysis [More info to come] OnPrintEnterpriseConnector Link
Real time URL check Chrome Enterprise Premium EnterpriseRealTimeUrlCheckMode Link

Chrome Updates

The goals here are simply:

  • Get browsers to update within 48 hours of a release.
  • Have Chrome check every 300 mins to see if there’s an update.
  • Use a friendly endpoint for checking (cacheable url).
  • Use the extended stable channel for stability and due to the amount of updates the chrome team tend to push a day on the latest channel in comparison (Sometimes several times a day on latest).
Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Relaunch notificaiton: Configuration Show notification recommending relaunch ??? Link
Relaunch notificaiton: Time Period (hours) 48 RelaunchHeadsUpPeriod Link
Relaunch notificaiton: Initial quiet period (hours) 4 RelaunchNotification Link
Relaunch notificaiton: Relaunch window start time 00:00 RelaunchNotificationPeriod Link
Relaunch notificaiton: Relaunch window duration (minutes) 1440 RelaunchWindow Link
Auto-update check period (minutes) 300 ??? Link
Cacheable URLs Attempt to provide cache-friendly download URLs ??? Link
Google updater policy precedence Cloud Google Updater policy override platform policy ??? Link
Supress auto-update check: Start Time 08:30 ??? Link
Supress auto-update check: Duration (minutes) 120 ??? Link
Chrome browser updates: Configuration Allow updates ??? Link
Chrome browser updates: Channel Extended stable channel ??? Link


Better user experience.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Show “Always Open” checkbox in external protocol dialog User may select “Always allow” to skip all future confirmation prompts ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox Link

Enrollment controls

Populating data about the devices joining your org.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Asset identifier during enrollment Users in this organization can procide asset ID and location during enrollment ??? Link

Import Settings

Right now this pertains to password imports, the password manager isn’t working (if you follow the rule a few sections below this) but this is a good step to take anyway.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Import saved passwords Disable import of saved passwords ImportSavedPasswords Link

Remote Access

This is in aid of restricting possible avenues for scammers to get into user workstations. I imagine every org has a desired and standard means of conducting remote support.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Firewall Traversal Disable firewall traversal RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal Link
Remote support connections Prevent remote support connections RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnections Link
Enterprise remote support connections Prevent remote support connections from enterprise admins RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections Link


I believe that every org should have a centralised password solution (see: Bitwarden, 1Password, etc), hence it makes sense to reduce the chance of passwords stored in unknown locations.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Password Manager Never allow the use of password manager PasswordManagerEnabled Link


This is in aid of securing your data and ensuring that users are not syncing things like history or bookmarks or passwords to a personal gmail account.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Browser sign-in settings Enable browser sign-in BrowserSignin Link
Separate profile for managed Google Identity Force seperate profile and forbit secondary managed accounts ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction Link
Enterprise profile separation Enforce profile seperation ProfileSeparationSettings Link
Profile seperation data migration Suggest to users to bring their existing data in the managed profile and give them a choice not to ProfileSeparationDataMigrationSettings Link

Other Settings

The logs that are sent are entirely anonymized and are extremely useful for helping the chromium team resolve issues. I believe there is value in turning this on if you’re a workspace customer. Policy fetching is set to 300 in the event you push a bad config and realise your mistake + want to rollback before anyone gets it. Backing up chrome data locally is a general no-no.

Policy Setting Shortcode URL
Metrics Reporting Send anonymous reports of usage and crash-related data to Google MetricsReportingEnabled Link
Policy fetch delay 300 seconds MaxInvalidationFetchDelay Link
Backup of Google Chrome data Prevent Google Chrome data from being included in backups AllowChromeDataInBackups Link

URL Blocking

This can be configured here, or via shortcode URLBlocklist.

This section is rather unique since it’ll be a list of URLs rather than a single configurable option.

URL Reason Chromes Remote Desktop service (needed to get chromeRemoteDesktopAppBlocked to equal true in the device trust connector) Google Internal(?) Chrome Remote Desktop service (also needed to get chromeRemoteDesktopAppBlocked to equal true in the device trust connector)